Sales, Marketing and Public Relations

Grünbiotics is an innovative nutritional science company in the Medical Foods space. Operating in a unique landscape, Grünbiotics’ target markets are simultaneously the health care professional and the product consumer.

Apart from quality products and life changing benefits, our success is driven by a successful marketing and PR program. We take advantage of traditional and new media to inform and educate healthcare professionals and consumers alike. We have an existing positive brand presence in markets around the globe.


Medical Foods’ Target Markets

Healthcare Professionals and Consumers

Sales, marketing and public relations across the Medical Foods space is somewhat distinctive in that promotion of the products is primarily to and via health care professionals.

As a Medical Food, Grünbiotics’ products can only be sold from or by a medical practitioner or dietitian, a medical practice, pharmacy or certain other institutions, or appropriate distributor. In this context, the health care professional carries out a fundamental role.

Medical Foods are distinctive from nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical products in that they are intended for people with a serious disorder or medical condition whose specialised nutritional requirements cannot be met by normal foods. Nutritional supplements and functional foods, on the other hand, are designed for healthy people, while pharmaceuticals are manufactured drugs and medicines for the treatment of disease.

It is important to note that our marketing and PR programs are required to be customised according to country differences, with our products being known as “Food for Special Medical Purpose” by the Codex Alimentarius Commission – FAO-WHO/UN and in China, the European Union, Australia and New Zealand; “Food for Specified Heath Uses” in Japan; “Medical Foods” in the US, and “Foods for Special Dietary Uses” in Canada.

Engaging Health Care Professionals

The Increasing Importance of Digital

Grünbiotics has experience in engaging health care professionals, both offline and online.

As health care professionals increasingly move to digital channels, marketing and PR activities increasingly need to shift. The way health care professionals consume content is changing. More and more, health care professionals are going online to source medical information and participate in online communities, forums and social media in order to share information, content, networking and keep up to date with the latest treatments, research and studies.

As the cost of traditional media grows and time constraints increase, digital channels increasingly outperform offline channels. Digital engages healthcare professionals at a time that is convenient, providing personalised and hyper-targeted content that is both valuable and needs-based.

In turn, digital provides analytics that are used to inform marketing and PR activities, producing long-term engagement and relationships with health care professionals. Our engagement activities assist professionals make informed decisions regarding our products – simultaneously benefiting both the professional and consumer.

Educating Our Consumers

Differentiated and Direct

Effective consumer education of our Medical Food products is also a key aspect of our success. Because we sell to numerous markets around the world, we undertake differentiated education strategies that are tailored to each country. Our digital marketing program provides consumer education, social media and brand awareness. We also undertake traditional education and awareness building activities in offline channels, including magazines and newspapers.

Our Current Marketing & PR Program

Our expansion into new markets, further development of existing markets, and new product development means that we will increase our education and awareness building efforts over the coming years. In this respect, our partners also stand to gain.

Grünbiotics partners with leading digital and traditional marketing experts – both in Australia and overseas. These efforts present a consistent brand experience and tap into our quality medical nutrition products to build trust and relationships with health care professionals and consumers alike. We engage with consumers to educate them on how our products can improve their lives, and inform and educate health care professionals. Our partners and licensees are able to tap into our existing marketing program that will continue to grow and evolve with expansion plans in the future.

Public Relations
Due to our quality products and PR efforts, Grünbiotics maintains a positive reputation as both a business and developer of best-in-class products that improve people’s lives who are living with serious disorders. We partner with prominent PR experts to ensure that the positive impacts our products are making are known and that our brand is associated with quality by health care professionals and consumers. Licensees and distributors leverage upon our positive reputation and brand presence.

Grünbiotics Offers Licensee Partners an End-to-End Support Program (incl. Marketing & PR)

Apart from the substantial education and PR program Grünbiotics has in place already, we also provide a Licensee End-to-End Support Package to further assist our strategic partners. One component of the Grünbiotics’ Licensee Support Package is Marketing & PR assistance, providing a win-win for all parties involved. Tailored to suit our Licensee’s specific goals and requirements, we offer partners expertise, industry knowledge, advisory and practical solutions (such as to time and cost constraints).

Our customised support packages offer marketing and PR support to help partners meet their own marketing and sales goals. These consist of:

  • Education and Training

  • Sales Literature

  • Articles

  • Website Links

  • Case Studies

  • Reports and White Papers

  • Marketing and PR related-services

  • Photography

To find out more about Grünbiotics’ Marketing and PR Program, our Sales Program or to discuss our Licensee Support Program, please contact us:

Telephone: +613 8692-0006